The most unique, Values Driven and transformative team building experience.


We create custom unique earth-centric, values based in-person or virtual “Business Retreats” that improves team performance and cohesion, builds leadership capacity and operational and system clarity through collaborative, strategic facilitated nature based experiences.

We have Proudly worked with:

This is for Your organization if…

  1. You are you are looking to:

  • Increase Productivity & team performance

  • Inspire team to work more efficiently and in harmony.

  • Eliminate barriers between team members.

  • Get team to begin communicating more effectively.

  • Close the gap between leadership & team.

  • Better instill environmental responsibility and nature-connection into your team and organization

  1. You are looking to:

  • Collaboratively clarify, company values, plan business goals, priorities, objectives and revive connection to mission & vision.

  • Build inclusivity through giving team members a voice in the company.

  • Inspire a sense of resiliency, interconnectivity with ecology & each other that creates strong and lasting team transformation.

Our Unique Approach


Unite Around Our Most Shared Commonality: The Earth

The only thing that we all for certain have in common is that we live on Earth, breathe the same air, drink the same water, are energized by the sun and find beauty in the natural world. We break down barriers between each other and nature through connecting around our basic human needs and find peace, rejuvenation, wonder and joy in connecting with Earth-Centric values. We find our universal language through nature. If environmental responsibility is a big priority for you, part of the experience can be contributing to a local sustainable or social project.


Inspire and Motivate New Ideas & Creativity

Each human being, like nature offers their own unique gifts and talents to the whole. We create activities that shine a light on each individuals unique abilities and contributions to inspire leadership , action and contribution to the overall mission and vision of the company. This creates team confidence, enthusiasm and leadership capacity building.


Build Emotional & Social Literacy for Personal & Team Resiliency

Communication is KEY to a success in business & in all areas of our life. We build emotional & social literacy through Non-Violet Communication Practices, Council, Authentic Relating Games and collaborative business meetings centered around the goals of the company. We resolve issues through conflict mediation and break down barriers between leadership and staff.


meet business needs through horizontal collaboration

We will customize and incorporate creative & collaborative business meetings that address the organizations needs whether it be to re-clarity mission & vision, set business goals, re-design departments & roles & responsibilities or co-vision a new project or branch of the company.

How it works:


Step 1:

We set up a meeting to discuss the needs & challenges of organization.

Step 2

We design a custom Earth Rooted In-Person or Virtual Experience for your organization.

step 3


We set the dates, location (if in person- we can come to you) and book the experience!

This sounds like exactly what we’ve been needing!