Shayna Gladstone Shayna Gladstone

Reclaiming Our Wild Sovereignty


There’s a call somewhere deep within each of us, to feel part of a community, to belong, to feel more connected to our surrounding ecology, to plant and animal life, to hear the whispers of the hawk gliding above the mountain ahead, and to move intuitively with the trees dancing with us.

There’s a longing to sit in circle, and communicate our deepest fears, longings, gratitude’s and aspirations. There’s a human need to weave our aspirations and create a collaborative tapestry of a more beautiful world and utilize our shared knowledge to uplift our visions. Yes?

And there’s a desire to bring our sleep-time dreams alive and know the depths of our soul through the reflection that nature gives us. Yes?

This is because it is our human animal, intrinsic nature, to exist this way. Most of the pathologies we face in our modern society are due to our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical disconnection from healthy community, our own soul and a deep on-going conversation with the non-human world.

It feels essential to our wholeness, and health on all levels to have the opportunity to be connected this way, even if it can only happen once a month, or once a week. Our human-being craves and needs a full-uninhibited, journey into our own mind and heart, re-awaking our wild-animal senses, and being heard, mirrored and witnessed by other humans and non-humans in our process to healing.

The metropolitan stimulation and stressors of lights, car sounds, lack of the sensation of sun and wind on our skin, earth on our feet, our eye-sight limited through screens, our bodies conforming to sitting, walking straight and standing, entering stores to buy our food and medicine, walking out with cardboard boxes and plastic containers and adapting to the comfort of our temperature controlled boxes we sleep in, has a tremendous effect on every-level of our well-being that we are just experimenting with and don’t know the full consequences of our daily living this way.

Then from all of this, we become sick, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically, and have to do an enormous amount of work on ourselves to maintain homeostasis. Humans are indeed evolving and adapting to this new human-made habitat, but the growing pains seem pretty extreme.


The typical working-class person or those who are living within the poverty line (without generalizing too much), are so embedded and entrapped in survival that to even explore the idea of un-enmeshing ourselves from this cycle of oppression, from our human-made world is out of reach.

It’s important to acknowledge that it is a privilege to have the time to even entertain ideas of ‘Reclaiming Our Wild Sovereignty’. Often for folks just trying to put food on the table for their families, there’s not time to casually walk in nature, spend time learning new, healthy ways of communicating, learning about their local ecology, or spending their morning recalling their dreams and learning from them. This is a privilege.

While it is a privilege, it is our way to true sovereignty. When we are able to take back our birth-right to be living in the supportive web of life, connected to our animal-senses, utilizing communication through council to deepen our relationships with ourselves, our healing, our soul’s mission and each other. When we’re given opportunities to cross important thresholds in our lives through rites of passage, or initiatory rituals amongst nature, held by community, that is sovereignty.

It’s my mission to both hold leaders in their soul’s journey to reclaim their medicine for the world and walk in right-relationship with the Earth, and create experiences for folks to deepen in their conversation with the non-human and human-world to ultimately empower a greater human resiliency and capacity to make the impact and be the medicine, they’re here to be.

My great wish and plan as I deepen into this work and build a solid team, is to open a non-profit that will be able to receive funds to offer these types of resiliency, nature-connected, community-building experiences for those who may not have the means to participate because it feels vital that everyone who wants to gets the opportunity to ‘Reclaim their Wild Sovereignty’.

And in the mean-time, you can work with me 1 on 1, or attend an upcoming program to be announced for Spring 2020.

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