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Professional Background

Shayna has taken the world by storm since 2013 when she Cofounded NuMundo, a global platform connecting people to holistic wellness centers, ecovillages and regenerative farms. She built and managed a team of 10 and raised over $90,000 for the platform and non-profit work, empowering indigenous peoples of Guatemala by implementing small appropriate technology projects. 

Over the last decade, Shayna has organized and facilitated hundreds of earth-based community building and leadership programs around the world. In 2016 she Founded Earth Journeys, an organization providing earth-based leadership programs for changemakers connecting them to regenerative living, empowering eco and social entrepreneurs, and building emotional literacy through interpersonal dialogue, grief work  and collaboration.

All the while, Shayna has mentored 1 on 1, numerous leaders guiding them to take quantum leaps in their life and passionate service to the planet.

Throughout the years, Shayna has is proud to have presented and performed music at a variety of conferences and festivals including Bioneers, Lightning in a Bottle, The NorCal Permaculture Convergence, Lucidity Festival, Start-Up Chile, and Burning Man.

As for credentials, Shayna has received her BA in Management, her Eco-Psychology Certification, Permaculture Design Certification, Wilderness First Responder Certification and has been trained by Joana Macy in the Work that Reconnects.

Shayna continues to work with corporations, non-profit organizations and outdoor education companies on a consultant, and teaching basis. 
